The Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies is an organization of universities, colleges, and individuals dedicated to promoting an informed understanding of peace, justice, and conflict and to encouraging students, teachers, academics, and the public to become engaged global citizens working toward a just peace.
Identity Statement
The Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies encourages multidisciplinary teaching and research on:
- the roots of conflict at all levels of human experience;
- national and global security issues;
- global cooperation, human rights, and international law;
- environmental responsibility and global sustainability;
- methods of and context for conflict resolution and reconciliation; and
- factors necessary for peace, on an interpersonal level as well as on a global scale.
The Institute is receptive to teaching and research which proceeds along both traditional and nontraditional lines and provides forums where all viewpoints may be expressed and contemplated. As such, the Institute does not prejudice judgment about these issues with a particular ideology.
The Institute strengthens its member institutions by providing opportunities for students, faculty, and administrators from a variety of institutions and disciplines to share research and expertise and to engage each other in thoughtful discussions of issues involving peace and conflict.
The Institute’s programs and outreach include:
- a speakers program;
- conferences for students, academics, and the general public;
- an annual refereed journal;
- an organizational newsletter;
- annual awards for faculty and students; and
- opportunities for sharing curricula and teaching methods.
The Institute was founded in 1985 as a nonprofit, non-stock corporation under Chapter 181 of the Wisconsin statutes. It is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Approved by the Executive Council in May 2007